14th June 2000
Chairman: Philippe Van Eeckhout (BIC)
Session 1. Opening and understanding the scale of the problem
1430pm. Welcome from host Administration (Danish Customs)
1445pm. Key note address – the importance of understanding the global dimension of counterfeiting and an objective assessment of the Customs response (Jeremy Newman Rouse & Co International)
1530pm. A global summary of recent trends:
- the main trafficking routes
- the key strategic locations (manufacture, transit and markets)
(IFPI representative and US Customs)
1630pm Tea
Session 2. Achievements so far and immediate plans
1700pm. The evolution of the WCO IPR training programme – achievements so far (Michele Legarde, French Customs)
1730pm. Current Technical Assistance Plans: (1) resources to be deployed at key locations, (2) planning to improve the basic enforcement infrastructure (legislation, systems, communication, business support) (3) enhanced communication systems (Robinson WCO & Brohm REACT)
1800pm. Plenary discussion introduced by Danish Customs
1830pm. Close
15th June 2000
Chairman: Will Robinson (WCO)
Session 3. The next steps
0900am. What are the key indicators that Customs need to detect counterfeit? (routes, documentation, values, strategic v. nominal information) (Jorli Bak- Hansen, Danish Customs)
0930am. Ideas for improvements in IPR enforcement in South East Asia (Hong Kong Customs and a rights holder and Steve Vail, CDR International)
1000am. General discussion
1030am. Ideas for improvements in IPR enforcement in transit locations (Dubai Customs, or Dutch Customs, plus Edward Hardcastle Rouse & Co. International, Dubai)
1100am. General discussion
1130am. Coffee
1200am. Sharing intelligence – Part 1. compiling a world status report (Rich LaMagna Microsoft)
1220pm. Sharing intelligence – Part 2. What information can be shared between Customs and business? How can we organise this better? (the MPA)
1240pm. Action plan and summing up by chairman
1300pm. Lunch
1400pm. Depart for those participants wishing to attend the "WCO IPR Strategic Group" only.
Meeting of the WCO IPR Technical Assistance group:
Guest Chairman: (Nikki Sheath, Harley-Davidson)
1430pm - 1630pm
The contribution of any international delegates also wishing to attend this separate meeting would be highly appreciated.
Subject: How do we use the "output" and action points stemming from the strategic discussions and organise these within our Technical Assistance programme?
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