Meeting 18th May 2001, starting at 10.00am.
Hosted By:
REACT International
Amstelveensweg 864
1081 JM Amsterdam
Welcome to new members (Will Robinson), short introductions from Timberland, VF Europe and British American Tobacco;
Minutes and Action Points from "Third Meeting of the WCO IPR Strategic Group" held in Paris 16th February 2001 (Philippe Van Eeckhout)
I) Re-structuring of WCO Working Groups (Will Robinson), and;
ii) Topics for the Annual Meeting (Laurent Paichot) Note: You are all invited to start thinking about possible topics for discussion;
Further development of the web site, gathering legislative information – including possible contributions from member companies (Ronald Brohm);
Specific trends in smuggling and counterfeiting; A short overview of "Strategic Assessments carried out by The Alliance Against Contraband (Joe Clark, Executive Director);
The future of strategic planning within our group (Jeremy Newman, Rouse & Co.)
Update on activities; EPO/WCO/REACT seminars in Eastern Europe;
Plans for future Technical Assistance;
South East Asian Regional event, hosted by Hong Kong Customs, for 23 countries, 17-20 July 2001;
Panama – LVM report;
Paraguay – ( Update from Roy Murphy or Graham Hagger IFPI)
Cyprus, Portugal, Tunisia, EPO and WIPO fellowship programmes and EPO ASEAN Programme;
Technical Assistance ideas, under consideration: Pakistan, Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, Macedonia, Saudi Arabia; Follow-up in South Africa;
European Report 07/02/2001 (Roy Murphy – IFPI);
Amendment to TRIPS Model Legislation (WCO) (outcome meeting 17th May);
Pharmaceutical Security Institute; outcome from annual PSI meeting (Will Robinson);
The future gathering of seizure statistics (Will Robinson);
Progress on new video; short written report from Nikki Sheath (Ingrid Van Der Hoek)
List of participants
Will Robinson/WCO
Phillipe van Eeckhout/Societe BIC
Ronald Brohm /SNB REACT/ Treasurer WCO IPR
Tony Swaffield/BBC Worldwide
Laurent Paichot / Féd Horlogerie
Mrs. Bellavita /Fed.Horlogerie
Ayche Linsen/ Tommy Hilfiger-Europe
Tom Fadrhronc/Nike
John Bohnet/MPA
Chris Merchant / IFPI
Lauri Rechardt/ IFPI
Kevin England /GMOC
Jim Kennedy / P&G
Howard Cottrell/ Intercap
Lindsay Hudson/ Armorgroup
Brian Weatherburn/British American Tob.
Jack Crawford/British American Tob.
Aline Olie/ adidas
Tim Behan/ adidas
Valéry Golden/ Mattel Benelux
Martien de Boer/ DB Consultancies
Jeremy Newman/Rouse & Co. Int.
Chrissie Morse/Timberland
Lisa Peets / Microsoft-BSA
Magali LeParc/ BSA
Mr. Mark Laria/U.S. Customs
Joseph Clark / Alliance against Coutraband
Phil Connelly / Alliance against Coutraband
Emmanuel Barbault / Louis Vuitton
Pia Packovsky/ Daimler Chrysler
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